
03-04-2007 Juice I must blog this pic of my daughter Esme. I don’t blog photos of my daughter because I am too freaked out by the amount of freaks out there. Same reason all my flickr photos of her are not public. But this is so cute!

5 thoughts on “Esme

  1. What an adorable picture. She is so cute (what we can see of her)! My eyes look like hers, only in green. I’ll have to come back and visit again later when I have more time, got to fly.

  2. Your daughter is Gorgeous (note the capital G!). Mine are both grown up now, but I still think they’re gorgeous. But in a different way. Grown-ups just aren’t cute in the way little kids are. 😉

  3. So it’s me and all the women in the world then…
    I will begin a sequence of photos starring Esme where she is largely obscured by objects with just her eyes peeking out.

  4. Cute little girl – and I’m not even a woman.

    I was just browsing through your blog, and wanted to say that you are right to be cautious. A friend had a bunch of pictures of his daughters on Flickr. They were just little girls, and the pictures were not suggestive at all. Still, some freak was adding them to his collection of little girl photos – not all so innocent.

    Fortunately someone noticed and let my friend know – now his family pictures are for family and friends only.

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